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find a better job that lets you enjoy your life again?

Accelerate your career change with private coaching!

Struggling with feeling disconnected

in your career and your life?

You keep thinking "there's got to be something better." You want a career that you can enjoy but you also want a career that allows you to live the overall life that you want. Is this you?

You feel stuck at your job and don't know where to go

You feel like you've lost touch with who you are

You know you can't keep going through life like this

If this is you - you're in the right place! 

Why take years to figure out what to do on your own when we could do it in months together! Private Coaching will accelerate your transformation giving you your precious time back.

**A simple 30 minute consultation (it's free) is required to get started. Just click any of the buttons on this page to get scheduled!**


Imagine actually liking your job again


Mondays don't suck

No more "Sunday Scaries." When you feel connected to your work and it fulfills you, you don't dread it. Warning: You may even look forward to it! I know, crazy right?


You enjoy your time off & weekends

One of the side effects of liking your career/job is that you don't have to worry about it on your off time. Your time is valuable, don't waste it worrying!


Your career works with your life

I am a firm believer in your career allowing you to live the life you want. Not just monetarily, but in a way that allows your time off to be spent enjoying what you love the most.

that's why i offer...

Career & Job Change Coaching



*There is an opportunity to continue weekly coaching or "alumni bi-weekly coaching" after 12 weeks

Here's How It Works

Career & Job Change Coaching is my signature private coaching program (it's just you and me, friend). We will meet for one hour, once a week for 12 weeks.

Here are the key points of the program:


We spend focused time getting clear on your life and career vision. This includes why you want it and when you'll go after it! This brings intention to your actions as we move forward. Goals will be set!


We will inventory your skills, uncover ones you haven't used in a while or didn't realize you had. Time will be spent exploring your interests and how this all intersect and can point you towards career options.


Time is spent exploring your values and how these play a role in how likely you are to not only like a career, but stick with it. This is an area often overlooked that serves as a critical filter for job satisfaction.


After we've narrowed in on your career options and you have a clear picture of what you want and don't want, we design a plan for your transition. This  can include a resume review, LinkedIn profile review, and more if needed (think interviewing and salary negotiations).

Your Investment Is:





The first step is to schedule a free strategy session by clicking the button below (or any on this page!)

It's time to cross this decision off your list


A simple 30 minute consultation (it's free) is required to get started. Just click any of the buttons on this page to get scheduled!

"It wasn’t until I met Meghan that I truly understood how coaching would help me, especially so far along in my career. I knew I needed a change in my work, but I was unclear on how that looked, when, and (most importantly) “why” at this point. With Meghan’s guidance, I discovered that my “why” had deeper purpose than just making a change for the sake of it."


Can't I Just Do It On My Own?

I mean, obviously the answer is yes. BUT...

Honest answer: You probably won't.

Most people stay stuck in indecision, doubt and fear.  It's hard for you to think of yourself outside of what you've been doing. Part of my job is to think outside of the box that you think you're in. If you've come this far searching for an answer, for help, then this is what you need. Use my years of experience from my personal career transitions (read more here) to get to your results faster. Who doesn't want to save time? 

A simple 30 minute consultation (it's free) is required to get started.

Just click any of the buttons on this page to get scheduled!

What If I Don't Like My Next Career Either, Then What?

Honest answer: Would you rather just stay stuck where you are now?

I honestly believe that making changes when you feel pulled to is always worth it. So maybe you change careers and it's not perfect. Is it better? Maybe the first new job in that career isn't the right one. You keep searching and you find it. Living a life that you know you're meant to is worth the exploration. Either way, this process will help you grow  and change. You will come out on the other side knowing more about what you want (and don't want). Isn't that what it's ultimately about?

A simple 30 minute consultation (it's free) is required to get started.

Just click any of the buttons on this page to get scheduled!

More proof...

"I worked with Meghan to improve my self-confidence levels professionally and personally. Having a coach is definitely something that kept me motivated to keep striving toward my goal. Meghan helped me to isolate some core thought patterns that were keeping me stuck and got me on the path to becoming a more confident person."



I have answers!

Check out these frequently asked questions to learn more. Also, feel free to email with any other questions at

How long are the sessions?

 All sessions are one hour long and done via Zoom. Once you have signed up to coach with me you will receive a special link to my calendar where you will be able to self-schedule. I'm very flexible, so if you don't see a time that works you'll just simply email me and we will find something that does.

Do I have to schedule a consultation first?

 Yes. This is the best way for me to assure that my program is the right fit for you. I don't want you to go through the trouble of paying only to find out it's not what you had in mind. This gives us a chance to discuss your current situation and goals. You will also be given the next steps as far as payment, scheduling, and contract go.

Are the sessions virtual?

Yes! Everything is done via Zoom.

Is 12 weeks enough time?

It really depends on what you're trying to achieve.  Some clients have gotten everything they need in 12 weeks. Some get their results and then have new goals they want to keep working on with me.

After 12 weeks you will be given the option to continue weekly coaching or "alumni bi-weekly coaching." Many of my clients find this helpful as they go through their job search and transition into their new role.

Should I also take The Career Reset course?

Absolutely and guess what? When you sign up for private get it for FREE!  Woo hoo 🎉

Hi friend - 

My journey through multiple careers has led me to where I am today. I'm not your typical ex-corporate or HR professional turned coach. My training and experience as a teacher and a nurse, combined with becoming a certified coach, has given me the perfect combintation to help lead others to the career and life they are longing for.

I'm a person who thinks if you want something then you should go for it. When women tell me their dreams (but then dismiss them) it lights me up. Because I know, with the right support and steps, they CAN make those dreams a reality. Doing this isn't just my passion, it's who I am!


Founder of Meghan McCaffery Coaching


Schedule your FREE consultation and start your career change now!

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